10 Keys to Developing your Vision

This message is presented by David A. Burrus. He is a best selling author, sought after speaker, that has taken his messages on healthy relationships, leadership, personal development, and Kingdom principles to a wide spectrum of audiences.

Here are the keys

1. Consistent time with God
2. Concentrated time in prayer, silence, fasting, and solitude
3. Do the research: who, what, when, where, and why
4. Have an eraser
5. Write stuff down
6. Know what is not apart of the vision
7. Create various versions of the vision
8. Have a mantra rather than a mission statement (or both)
9. Ask others to help
10. Have the vision burnt in your heart


a Believer ► Do you have an internal pulling saying you were created for more than what you are currently experiencing in life? That's God calling you to Him | Find out More

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